Friday 30 November 2012

Raw food Pyramid

I know there are guides on how the North American should eat so I thought I would touch base on this today. I feel that everyone needs to listen to their body as no 2 bodies are the same. That being said how can the Canada food guide be a proper guide for all people. I have tried to use it as a guide in my life to loose weight. I would follow it religiously and still find the pounds gaining up on me. I also
discovered that eating meat really made me feel nasty so I began to search for a better option. I found this.... Raw food Pyramid. It's great as I use it as a guide line for what things should be my main source of calories for the day. (I'm not a calorie counter I think that's bollocks) I like to eat until I feel full and then I body knows when I do not need anymore and then I do not get cravings. The best part for me about eating this way is that my wild mad cravings have stopped. I eat nutrient dense foods that taste and look amazing and I don't feel that I need to reach for that ice cream or cake or chips. It is a nice rewarding feeling that I love. It feels great to not deprive myself of anything and still loose weight. Mmmmm raw food

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