Sunday 25 November 2012

My Story

It has occurred to me that there are so many people around me that really have no idea how to eat healthy and well. I look at people’s grocery carts and find frozen dinners, heavily processed “Diet” food, Diet pills, canned products that are full of sugar amongst other things. It really bothers me to see this as the saying goes we are what we eat. So many people in our society eat foods that we are told are healthy and good for us when in fact they contain very little if any nutritional value. Why is this? I feel it is such a shame as I used to be one of these people who jumped on any new fad diet in hopes that it would solve my many building health problems when in reality some of them caused part of the problem and were doing so ever since I was young.
I have battled with weight my entire life. At the age of 12 instead of eating like a kid I was on a strict diet due to a hereditary cholesterol issue. I have been on and off diets and never found anything that works. I later was diagnosed with a hormonal issue that I am still fighting with today. Eating a Raw living food diet has helped my body start its process to heal its self. I feel amazing my skin looks great I am finally loosing weight (60 lbs to be exact) and I have a renewed sense of being and vigor for life. Hear I am now sharing my story in hopes that I can change people’s lives as someone once did for me. I cannot be thankful enough to the special people in my life that have shown me the way. 
With the rise of the obesity epidemic, cancer, and other diseases it is my new goal to educate as many people that I can to help them make better choices for there bodies and the earth.  I want to give yummy healthy alternatives to the foods we crave so we can always feel satisfied and fulfilled with every mouthful. Who doesn’t want to live in a world where you can eat as much desert as you want and not worry about the side effects going to your hips or waistline. I want everyone to lavish in the smells and bright colors the world has to offer in the form of food.
On this blog I promise to post information on delicious recipes, healthy tips,  links to other amazing people trying to change the way we eat, amongst other things.
I am personally on a journey to heal my body mind and spirit and what better way than through amazing food. I am pleased to Welcome you on my journey and I hope that I will inspire you to embark on the journey to healthy living yourself. 

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