Thursday 29 November 2012

When there's nothing to eat...

Today was one of those days I looked in my fridge only to realize I have very little in it. I haven't been shopping in over a week and well eating like this that's not such a great idea. I felt bad for not posting a recipe today so here is the salad I came up with out of my almost empty fridge! Good thing tomorrow is date night!

I threw some lettuce, zucchini, carrot, pumpkin seeds, yellow pepper, dill, and raisins in a bowl (I know a lot for not having anything in the fridge...) I made my fav orange ginger dressing and was on my way to heaven for dinner...

Orange ginger dressing
1 peeled orange
1/4 cup olive oil
An inch of fresh ginger
Salt and pepper
1 tsp fennel seeds
Throw everything in the blender and blend until smooth. It gets really creamy and frothy. I love it! Poor over salad. If there is too much for one salad dressing can be saved in fridge for 1 day. Warning if you keep it in the fridge it will get super thick as the police oil thickens when placed in fridge.


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