Wednesday 28 November 2012

Extra chocolately cream pie mmmm

If you are having a serious chocolate craving or your a chocolate lover like me then this pie is for you! It combines too of my favourite desert recipes into one mound of chocolate - y goodness! I started by making the crust. This is great rolled into balls and eaten on its own or used as a crust. 3/4cup almonds, 2tbsp shredded coconut, 2/3 cup medjool dates, 1tbsp of honey or agave, 1tsp vanilla, 4tbsp cacao powder, dash of salt. Put everything in the food processor and process until doughy consistency. Remove and press into a pie plate that has been powdered lightly with coconut flower (ground shredded coconut). You want it to be quite thin and even. For the filling 2 avocados pitted, 1 large banana, 1tsp vanilla, 1tsp honey or agave, 4tbsp cocoa. Place all ingredients in the blender or food processor. Process until smooth pour chocolate pudding into pie crust place in refrigerator to chill for about an hr. Top with cashew cream, or coconut cream. I just are this so satisfying I only needed a little piece and it fulfilled my cravings for sweets and chocolate. Enjoy

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