Monday 3 December 2012

Yummy Juice for your girly bits!

Today's recipe was inspired by my good friend Lizzy. She asked me what helps bloating thanks to that lovely Aunt Flow that loves to visit us and the most opportune times in our lives. Ladies you know what I am talking about. It plags us with having to wear a size larger, massive cravings, broken out face, mood swings just to name a few. Last year I went on a juice feast for 45 days (yes 45 days on nothing but juice, more about that later), I discovered a fabulous juice that was oh so tasty and it was good for my lady bits.

The juice has Fennel, Celery, and of course apple. Fennel is Rich in phytoestrogens, Fennel is often used for colic, irritable bowel, kidneys, spleen, liver, lungs, suppressing appetite, breast enlargement, promoting menstruation, improving digestive system, milk flow and increasing urine flow. Fennel is also commonly used to treat angina, asthma, anxiety, depression, heartburn, water retention, lower blood pressure, boost libido, respiratory congestion, coughs and has been indicated for high blood pressure and to boost sexual desire. Amongst several other things. Health benefits of Celery lower cholesterol, prevent cancer, reduce high blood pressure, and hydrate you just to name a few. Last but not least apple just to name a few, help fight diabetes, whiter brighter teeth, control weight, boost immune system, and helps fight cancer. So this juice is packed full of healthy lovely ingredients and tastes AMAZING!!

1 bulb of fennel (mine are usually quite large I would say like a fist an a half)
2-3 celery ribs
2-3 apples depending on your taste
Place all of the ingredients in the juicer alternating as you go through. Sometimes I ad a half of a lemon just to help it from turning brown in color. This juice is light and refreshing. 


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