Sunday 25 November 2012

Almond Butter

After being unsuccesful at finding the Almond Butter in the store that I love (Artisan Brand) I decided I would try a hand at making my own. I reseached several blogs to find a recipe and instrucitons. I found several with various tips and tricks on how to make what they say is the best tasting almond butter. The recipe I ended up following was one that I found on the Rawatarian as well as the rawmazing website. Here it is     2 cups almonds, pinch of salt and 1TBSP honey (you can use agave inplace if you wish) I didnt realaze that this would take so long to make. I placed it in my food processor as asked and had to take several rests during the process but boy was it worth it!! This Almond butter was delicious I look forward to making my own other nut butters now that I know how. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

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