Thursday 13 December 2012

Stuffed peppers

I must apologize for the lack of posts these days. The Xmas season has me running around like a crazy person.

Today I decided to make stuffed pepper with sunflower seed pate. The pate looks similar to salmon salad with its bright colors from the carrot. It's really tasty!

To make the pate put the following in the food processor.
1 carrot
1cup sunflower seeds (shell off)
1 Roma tomato
1tbsp basil
1 clove garlic
Half a lemon juiced
1/4 tsp brags liquid aminos
Salt and pepper to taste.

Process until crumbly texture sort of like a salmon salad texture. Place in bowl mix chopped onion, celery, zucchini, and cucumber with pate mixture.

Cut your pepper of choice in half seed it and remove stem. Stuff the pepper half with the pate mixture. I also place lettuce in my pepper. This is a great snack or addition to any meal! Enjoy

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